What did you have for breakfast this morning??
I ask this question to every client during every session. They know its coming so before the jet out the door to work or come train with me they stop to have something that will constitute a good answer to that question. The reason I do this is simple. Having a good protein rich breakfast is the foundation to any exercise and nutrition program.
"Yeah Yeah we get it. Your saying that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, heard it before."
Then why is it so hard to do??
Well the common answer is that we barely have time to get out of bed in time to get the kids to school or haul ass to work, let alone prepare some sort of actual meal before doing those things.
I'm guilty as charged.
I absolutely hate getting up in the morning more than anything else I have to do everyday. I hit the snooze button until the rational for how many minutes I can stay in bed has come crashing down to ground zero.
For that reason (and the fact that I study and implement nutritional tactics for a living) I consider myself an expert on the quick breakfast. So I have here a couple of quick fixes so to speak to help get your metabolism going with that first meal of the day.
1. Boiled eggs- OK so I don't personally use this one because eating boiled eggs would make me vomit on my shoes but it works for those of you with a less sensitive palate. boil a half dozen eggs and put them in a zip lock bag or small bowl in your fridge. Grab two of them and a piece of fruit on the way out the door and you have a nutritionally solid breakfast that you can eat on the drive to work.
2. Protein Shake- STOP!!!! Don't skip this one because you think protein shakes are reserved for the meat heads with the cutoff shirts and gallon jugs of water. There are lots of options for these meal replacement shakes that are between 150-250 calories and would make a great quick breakfast. You can also get some plain protein powder and mix in fruits and vegetables to make you own delicious concoction of smoothie goodness. Email me for some suggestions
3. Yogurt- Having Greek yogurt with berries and honey is as fast as it is delicious. You can get them premixed or you can create some sort of delicious mixture yourself.
4. Leftovers- So you don't really have to eat "breakfast food" for breakfast. Leftover steak or chicken form the day before is a good breakfast as well.
As long as you are getting a good solid source of protein then you will be setting up your metabolism for success. Still not getting it done?? Having trouble with lunch or dinner?? Check out these ready made meals that get delivered to your house.
Just remember that if you arent eating breakfast then you are probably not going to get results like you would like. It is always the first nutritional goal I set for my clients and I want you to reach your goals just like I do for them.
IMPACT wellness
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Month in Review
July 2012
I follow a blog from a rockstar trainer Sam Bakhtiar, every
month he has a post about how his last month went and I am going to do the
same. The month of July was actually the first full month of working on a new
contract I have in Suffolk Virginia. I am running my personal training and
nutrition business out of a newly opened studio in the downtown area of Suffolk.
Goals met:
Signed up four new personal training clients.
Got a blog published on a major training site
ww.kickbacklife.com. You can check it out here
Helped organize a charity event at the studio
that brought over 50 new people in the door and raised almost $900 for a little
girls medical bills. Really love that my job can have an impact on so many
Turned 25 ;-)
Books read
I only got through one book this month but it is
highly recommended reading for anyone considering business. The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell.
I have decided that I will be taking a month
long trip to South America in the spring of 2013. I will live in a major city
in Columbia, work on my Spanish and keep building an online business.
I have to say the month of July was a productive one and I
hope to get even better in August. Hope all of you are well and staying busy.
Talk Soon,
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
27 Observations on life
This idea came to me over lunch today and I hope you enjoy reading it as much I did writing it. These are simply some observations I have made about life and the world we live in. A lot of these are quotes, from movies, books ect. so I cant take credit for originating them all but they stuck out in my head for one reason or another. Life is all about what you enjoy in it.....

Now 27 of my Observations on life:
1. Life has a funny way of teaching us teaching us things
2. People are stupid
3. People like to laugh
4. What one man can do, another can do.
5. If you have a body your an athlete
6. The only time you waste is that not spent in pursuit of what you want and would have in your life.
7. Its not how hard you hit, its how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.
8. Spend your time with people that you enjoy immensely
9. If it sounds too good to be true, it is.
10. You are going to have to bend the rules.
11. The worst thing you can possibly be is ordinary
12. Experiences > Possessions
13. There is no exact center of the universe, so it cant possibly be you.
14. Reading makes you smart (this blog in particular)
15. Its all about how bad you want it
16. People that exercise are more happy with life than people that don't.
17. There are very few things in life I despise more than portable toilets
18. The only thing we all agree on is that we are above average drivers
19. Watching TV is unproductive
20. There is great joy in doing something that someone said you could not do.
21. You really should live every day as if it were your last.
22. You will be amazed how far you can get just by speaking confidently
23. You have got to take full responsibility for the things that happen in your life.
24. Six hours of sleep is plenty, if you sleep longer than than that your being lazy, sleep faster
26. There is no excuse to ever stop learning.
27. Your time is yours to use as you wish, you wont ever get it back though so use it wisely.
I hope this gives you something to think about today ;)
Till next time,
Check out this awesome WEIGHT LOSS MEAL PLAN
Monday, July 16, 2012
Lesson from a Mexican Fisherman
I want to share with you a story that helped change my perspective on life. I read it for the first time in Tim Ferris's book The Four Hour Work Week, and immediatly it hit me. Life is hear simply to be enjoyed, how you choose to enjoy it is completly up to you. Enjoy:
Now take a few and figure out what it is that you enjoy about your life, do more of that. Until next time.
An American consultant was at a pier in a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the small boat were several large yellow-fin tuna. The American complimented the Mexican on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them.
The Mexican replied only a little while.
The consultant then asked why didn’t he stay out longer and catch more fish?
The fisherman said he had enough to support his family’s immediate needs.
The American then asked the Mexican how he spent the rest of his time.
The Mexican fisherman said, “I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take siesta with my wife, Maria, stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine and play guitar with my amigos. I have a full and busy life, señor.”
The American consultant scoffed, “I am business consultant and could help you. You should spend more time fishing and, with the proceeds, buy a bigger boat. With the proceeds from the bigger boat, you could buy several boats, eventually you would have a fleet of fishing boats. Instead of selling your catch to a middleman you would sell directly to the processor, eventually opening your own cannery. You would control the product, processing and distribution.
“You would need to leave this small coastal fishing village and move to Mexico City, then LA and eventually NYC where you will run your expanding enterprise.”
The Mexican fisherman asked, “But señor, how long will this all take?”
To which the American consultant replied, “15-20 years.”
“But what then, señor?” asked the fisherman.
The consultant laughed, and said, “That’s the best part! When the time is right, you would announce an IPO and sell your company stock to the public. You’ll become very rich, you would make millions!”
“Millions, señor?” replied the Mexican. “Then what?”
The American said, “Then you would retire. Move to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take siesta with your wife, stroll to the village in the evenings where you could sip wine and play your guitar with your amigos.”
Now take a few and figure out what it is that you enjoy about your life, do more of that. Until next time.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
6 reasons to invest in a Trainer
1. Accountability- When you know you have someone waiting for you at the gym that is there to make sure you get the results you want then it becomes more of a priority for you to go.
2. One on One attention- Joining a big gym or large group classes is a great way to start exercising. However with a personal trainer you have a specific amount of their undivided attention to get help with form, questions, nutrition and holding you accountable to workouts(see number 1)
3. Safety- If you have never really exercised before you stand a pretty good chance of hurting yourself trying to do it on your own, then you are out of the gym and discouraged so we will see you again next January! You can more than pay for the investment in a trainer just by letting them show you how not to get hurt.
4. Motivation- At least once a day I have one of my clients tell me that I have too much energy. Well that energy is contagious and it makes me better at motivating you to do better. If you didn’t plan on getting better today then you should have just stayed in bed.
5. Direction- As your trainer it is my job to design a program that will quickly and safely get you to your goals. So by investing in a trainer you know that you are receiving a well thought out plan of action to get you looking the way you want too.
6. Empowerment- Lastly your trainer should be able to empower you to continue your healthy lifestyle on our own. I can give you all the tools and share with you the knowledge that you will need to live a healthy lifestyle without me. That is my GOAL for you.
Don’t be part of the 95% of people that will have to have the same resolution next year.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Pursuit of Happiness
Today's post is going to be slightly different from what you are used to hearing form me. Normally I talk about exercise and eating right and how not to swing a kettle bell. Today I want to talk about enjoying life. To start I want to ask you a question, If you had $100 million in your checking account what would you do all day? Would you get up early and go to a job you hate? Would you travel? Would you start a business? If money was of no concern and you could afford to do what ever you wanted to do what would it be? I'm not just talking about buying a Bugatti. Where would you drive it? Seriously? Its kind of a tough question to answer at first. It does make you sit down and think about what you are truly passionate about. It helps you find the one thing that you would do for the rest of your life and not get paid for it.
Me personally I would have a huge house with the ocean as my back yard, a Jaguar coupe, and lots of fancy gadgets. I would also continue to work with clients on a daily basis to help them change their lives. I know It may sound cliche but I really would get bored otherwise. Think about it.
The point here is this: If you can figure out what it is you would do if you didn't have to go to work and make money every day, and the find a way to do it while sustaining a livable income then you will be a happy person.
"Whats Money? A man is successful if he wakes up in the morning, goes to bed at night, and in between does what he wants." - Bob Dylan
Me personally I would have a huge house with the ocean as my back yard, a Jaguar coupe, and lots of fancy gadgets. I would also continue to work with clients on a daily basis to help them change their lives. I know It may sound cliche but I really would get bored otherwise. Think about it.
The point here is this: If you can figure out what it is you would do if you didn't have to go to work and make money every day, and the find a way to do it while sustaining a livable income then you will be a happy person.
"Whats Money? A man is successful if he wakes up in the morning, goes to bed at night, and in between does what he wants." - Bob Dylan
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
14 GREAT Weight Loss Tips
As a Personal Trainer I have helped a lot of people lose a lot of weight. I have seen what works and what doesn’t. I also spend time every single day learning more about Exercise and Nutrition so I can get even better at what I do. I want to share with you today 14 of the best Tips I could think of to get started with losing weight. I want to warn you that some of these are a little unconventional and may not be suitable for everybody, but they have worked for my clients. When you’re done reading check out my website www.myimpactwellness.com and leave a message for me!
14 Weight Loss tips
1. Be serious about getting healthy. If you only half ass want to reach your goal then you might as well hit the back button and come back to this post later.
2. Make 3 goals! A two week goal, a six week goal and a 6 month goal. (these shouldn’t all three be numbers on the scale)
3. Look at what you are about to eat and ask yourself one question “Is this going to get me closer too, or further from the goals I set.” If the answer is “I DON’T CARE” see tip number 1.
4. Recruit a Partner. Hold each other accountable to staying active.
5. Don’t try and stick to some crazy ass no carb, workout 8 days a week routine. The good program you stick too is better than the perfect program you quit.
6. Park further away from the store.
7. Water is your friend; this is not up for discussion. Flavor it if you have to but saying “I don’t like water!” Is like saying “I don’t like air” You won’t last long without it.
8. Have a big breakfast, or breakfast period. Your metabolism is like your car, you have to start it for it to work.
9. Aim to eat a small meal every three hours. I know you have heard this before. So now just do it.
10. Take the stairs. You will be amazed how fast it gets easier to go up and down stairs.
11. Watch your portions, believe it or not you don’t HAVE to eat it all, save some for the next meal.
12. Do 15 bodyweight squats whenever you use the restroom, start a trend.
13. Don’t pay attention to the scale, If you weigh yourself everyday you are going to drive yourself crazy, the body is very complex so its weight can vary 3-5 pounds over the course of a day.
14. The only way I can guarantee you won’t lose weight is if you QUIT. Keep at it and you will reach your goals. You may hit a wall or two on the way but never give up on what you want to do.”
This is a quick list of things you can start doing TODAY and get closer to where you want to be. Remember “For those who say it cant be done, don’t interrupt those who are doing it.”
Your Friend,
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