Wednesday, December 14, 2011

14 GREAT Weight Loss Tips

As a Personal Trainer I have helped a lot of people lose a lot of weight. I have seen what works and what doesn’t. I also spend time every single day learning more about Exercise and Nutrition so I can get even better at what I do. I want to share with you today 14 of the best Tips I could think of to get started with losing weight. I want to warn you that some of these are a little unconventional and may not be suitable for everybody, but they have worked for my clients. When you’re done reading check out my website and leave a message for me!

14 Weight Loss tips
1.       Be serious about getting healthy. If you only half ass want to reach your goal then you might as well hit the back button and come back to this post later.
2.       Make 3 goals! A two week goal, a six week goal and a 6 month goal. (these shouldn’t all three be numbers on the scale)
3.       Look at what you are about to eat and ask yourself one question “Is this going to get me closer too, or further from the goals I set.” If the answer is “I DON’T CARE” see tip number 1.
4.       Recruit a Partner. Hold each other accountable to staying active.
5.       Don’t try and stick to some crazy ass no carb, workout 8 days a week routine. The good program you stick too is better than the perfect program you quit.
6.       Park further away from the store.
7.       Water is your friend; this is not up for discussion. Flavor it if you have to but saying “I don’t like water!” Is like saying “I don’t like air” You won’t last long without it.
8.       Have a big breakfast, or breakfast period. Your metabolism is like your car, you have to start it for it to work.
9.       Aim to eat a small meal every three hours. I know you have heard this before. So now just do it.
10.   Take the stairs. You will be amazed how fast it gets easier to go up and down stairs.
11.   Watch your portions, believe it or not you don’t HAVE to eat it all, save some for the next meal.
12.   Do 15 bodyweight squats whenever you use the restroom, start a trend.
13.   Don’t pay attention to the scale, If you weigh yourself everyday you are going to drive yourself crazy, the body is very complex so its weight can vary 3-5 pounds over the course of a day.
14.   The only way I can guarantee you won’t lose weight is if you QUIT. Keep at it and you will reach your goals. You may hit a wall or two on the way but never give up on what you want to do.”
This is a quick list of things you can start doing TODAY and get closer to where you want to be. Remember “For those who say it cant be done, don’t interrupt those who are doing it.”
Your Friend,

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