Friday, August 27, 2010

Failure of the fitness industry (inspired by Laura)

                The travel industry is here to help us take vacations from everyday life. Last year’s polls showed that 64% of Americans took a vacation away from home last year. Compare that with the 15% that belong to a health club and the seven out of ten that are at an unhealthy weight and I think it is fair to say the fitness industry needs to step their game up. Now granted an island get away sounds more appealing than working away at the gym I think we need to consider the fact that Fitness Pros are not doing their part to make the population aware of the need for exercise.
                The fact that most gym chains make their ridiculous profit margins off members who join and never use it is no secret. Call it a “Fat Tax” if you want to but at the end of the day any money spent on a membership that isn’t used is money wasted. When the consumer sees a monthly withdrawal from their account they are reminded of the smiling face that convinced them that this was the right thing to do. According to Medical News Today, 80 percent of 40 million Americans who have bought gym memberships are not using it. Now all they are going to do is either pay off the remaining contract or cancel the membership outright. Left right back where they started with nothing but a bad taste in their mouth for the industry as a whole. No wonder less than 15% of America will even consider it.
            How can the fitness industry as a whole turn these numbers around and save the life of our country? If we don’t do it then who will? It is time for a nationwide change of perspective on what it means to be an active gym member.
                The first step is to reach out to the communities that our clubs are in, not with a membership drive, but with information. We have to go to schools, places of work, churches, civic leauges and anywhere else that we can get a podium and educate. If everywhere you go you see a fitness representative ready and willing to answer your questions, it takes the fear out of it. It is time to throw all the inhibitions out the window and take charge. With a big push from all the fitness pros in the country I believe that we will make a difference.
Lets start now!! Contact me at and lets brainstorm on the best way jump start our industry.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Overweight Epidemic

As of last count nearly 7 out of 10 Americans are at an unhealthy weight. This staggering statistic is a testament to lack of activity, poor nutrition, and a generally uneducated public. The fact that the leading cause of death in this country is a preventable disease should really shake you up a bit. Let’s take a look at how we got to this place and then some ways to get back on track.

The way our body works, its systems, our general makeup has been the same for thousands of years. However in the last 50 years or so we as a culture have started behaving differently. Our bodies are used to an environment that requires physical activity in order to survive. Think about it, less than 100 years ago we had to walk anywhere we went. Also food was harder to come by, if you were going to eat you had to either grow it or catch it, a demanding task by itself. We have the same bodies now as we did then but exercise is very optional, and food is cheap, calorie dense, and on every corner. So it is no wonder why as a society we have started to pack on weight. We have put ourselves in the picture perfect environment to gain extra pounds, and then are completely shocked that we can’t fit into last year’s clothes.

Don’t think it is just adults either, because that couldn’t be further from the truth. Next time you child comes home from school ask them what they were given to eat that day at lunch. Pizza, sloppy joes, fried chicken sandwiches, French fries, FRITO pie… the list goes on. The public school system is responsible for teaching our kids the skills they need to function in society. From what I can see they are teaching not only math and history, but also that fast food is the way to go. How can we expect kids to be fed fast food every day when they go to school but then want them to adapt a healthy diet upon graduation? It does not work that way I am sorry to break the news. We need to pay a little more attention to what we are teaching in the cafeteria as well as the classroom.

So now that we are aware of the problem we are facing, what do we do to fix it? Well the simple answer to that is… education. Just like I am doing here on this blog we need to put the word out to everyone that wellness is slipping away. In schools, at home, in the workplace, we need to have programs aimed at showing people proper nutrition and exercise habits. I know it may seem like a tall order but consider the alternative. We owe it to our kids to stop this downward spiral and show them how to live healthier lives. If you decide that you want to change contact me at and I will show you how to get you and your loved ones on track to a healthy lifestyle.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Calories: not the enemy

100 calorie packs, low- calorie snacks, calorie counter, the list goes on. Everybody is worried to death about these evil little calories and how to get the least amount possible. Yet if asked the majority of folks have no earthly clue as to what a calorie is. If we are going to be so absorbed with watching calories let’s take a moment and figure out exactly what it is we are watching.

According to our friend Mr. Webster a calorie is defined as:

a. a unit equal to the kilocalorie, used to express the heat output of an organism and the fuel or energy value of food.

b. a quantity of food capable of producing such an amount of energy.

So break that down into layman’s terms and a calorie is a unit of energy or fuel for the body that it receives from food. This means that all the food that you eat is made up of calories that are necessary in order to survive the day. You need a certain amount of calories every day in order to lay flat on your back in bed. This number is referred to as your basal metabolic rate (BMR). There are numerous sources that can help you calculate your BMR the most credible of which being your physician. You can also seek out the help of an experienced Fitness Professional or dietician.

Once you figure out how many calories you need to survive add to that any physical activity you do during the day including work, errands, exercise ect. This is the number of calories you will require to get through your day. Now here is the tricky part, eat more than the requirement then you will gain weight, and vice versa. Also it is important to note where the majority of your calories come from. is a great place to get started but generally speaking you want the majority of you calories to come from carbohydrates with the rest split between protein and healthy fats.

Calories are not the enemy here. The wrong kind of calories in improper amounts is the issue. It is worth your time to see exactly what your requirement is and put that up against what you are actually putting in your body. Once you have a better understanding of what you need it makes making good choices much easier. Feel free to contact me with questions at

Saturday, August 21, 2010


If I had a dollar for every time I was asked where the “abs” machine was, me and you could both retire. It would seem that having a flat stomach has become the obsession of the majority of Americans because of its aesthetically pleasing nature. I want to take a closer look at the muscles that make up the core and why they are so important.

First of all there is no machine, pill, belt, shake, or DVD that will make your abs show through a layer of body fat. The rectus abdominus is the long muscle on the front of the body that gives the “six-pack” look when body fat levels are low. It however serves a much more vital function supporting posture. When the Abs get weak the pelvis(hip bone) tilts forward causing an unnatural curvature in the back. This can cause serious damage along with back pain and discomfort.

Muscles attach to ligaments that then attach to bones. That makes it fair to say weak muscles will make you fall apart. If you do an MRI on a patient with a back injury 9 times out of 10 you will see extremely weak lower back muscles. If you bend down to pick something up and the muscle that attaches to your spine is too weak then bam! You have a slipped disc. Core exercises can very well be classified as preventative maintenance.

Now we understand that we need to exercise all the muscles in our core in order to function as we should. I have written up a routine that you can do at home with nothing but a stop watch.

Plank- Hold for 30 seconds (if you need to rest then drop your knees for a second but then get back into it)

6 inches- sit up strait with your hands on the floor beside you. With your feet together raise them off the ground 6 inches and hold it.

Knees in- in the same position as above just bring your knees to your chest and then extend them back out, do as many as you can with good form in 30 secounds.

Toe touches- lay on your back and point your heels to the ceiling. Now reach up for your toes and then lay back down, Repeat at your pace for 30 seconds.

Superman- lay face down and slowly raise your arms and legs off the mat at the same time. Return to the starting position. Repeat for 30 seconds at your pace.

Run through this circuit twice with minimal rest between exercises. Should take 12-15 minutes.

This article written by

Jeremy Oiver,CPT

Lifestyle and weight management coach

If you have questions about this workout or want to go more advanced contact me at

Excuse: I dont have time to workout

If ive heard it once I have heard it a million times that there are not enough hours in a day to work out. Well according to recent studies there is no different breed of person that wakes up in the morning with time out of their day to exercise. Using that logic all the cars you see outside your local gym belong to people that have no job, kids, or social responsibilities. When you start your exercise program and see the difference it makes in your quality of life then you start to prioritize it. Wake up an hour earlier, skip law and order SVU, or watch it on the screen attached to most treadmills these days. Get a group of friends together and have a good time with it. I find that actually scheduling your workouts just like you would any other activity works best. Take out your calendar and mark off two or three days that are going to work best for you. Then write in what time you you are going to work out that day and pick an alternate day in case something comes up. Now the tricky part… go, just like if it was a doctor’s appointment or your first day at a new job. Be there on time and ready to work out. If you have no idea where to start you should consult a fitness professional. Fifty percent of the people who start a fitness program without a solid plan of attack will drop it within 6 mos. Then you are right back where you started. Plan to succeed, lifestyle change doesn’t happen overnight but with a game plan you will be three steps ahead of the crowd.

Intro and Philosophy

My name is Jeremy Oliver and I have set out to change the way the world feels about health and wellness. The physical, mental, and emotional benefits that you receive from regular exercise you cannot put a price on. The problem is that there are so many sources telling you different ways to exercise and lose weight that it’s no wonder the majority of people just give up. As a manager at a major gym chain I watched people walk in the door seeking health and leave with a cheap gym bag, false hope, and a year’s membership that they got suckered into. I resigned from my position and made up my mind that I will show anyone who will listen that a healthy lifestyle is not out of reach, and that there are fitness professionals out there that genuinely care.