Today's post is going to be slightly different from what you are used to hearing form me. Normally I talk about exercise and eating right and how not to swing a kettle bell. Today I want to talk about enjoying life. To start I want to ask you a question, If you had $100 million in your checking account what would you do all day? Would you get up early and go to a job you hate? Would you travel? Would you start a business? If money was of no concern and you could afford to do what ever you wanted to do what would it be? I'm not just talking about buying a Bugatti. Where would you drive it? Seriously? Its kind of a tough question to answer at first. It does make you sit down and think about what you are truly passionate about. It helps you find the one thing that you would do for the rest of your life and not get paid for it.
Me personally I would have a huge house with the ocean as my back yard, a Jaguar coupe, and lots of fancy gadgets. I would also continue to work with clients on a daily basis to help them change their lives. I know It may sound cliche but I really would get bored otherwise. Think about it.
The point here is this: If you can figure out what it is you would do if you didn't have to go to work and make money every day, and the find a way to do it while sustaining a livable income then you will be a happy person.
"Whats Money? A man is successful if he wakes up in the morning, goes to bed at night, and in between does what he wants." - Bob Dylan
Friday, December 16, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
14 GREAT Weight Loss Tips
As a Personal Trainer I have helped a lot of people lose a lot of weight. I have seen what works and what doesn’t. I also spend time every single day learning more about Exercise and Nutrition so I can get even better at what I do. I want to share with you today 14 of the best Tips I could think of to get started with losing weight. I want to warn you that some of these are a little unconventional and may not be suitable for everybody, but they have worked for my clients. When you’re done reading check out my website and leave a message for me!
14 Weight Loss tips
1. Be serious about getting healthy. If you only half ass want to reach your goal then you might as well hit the back button and come back to this post later.
2. Make 3 goals! A two week goal, a six week goal and a 6 month goal. (these shouldn’t all three be numbers on the scale)
3. Look at what you are about to eat and ask yourself one question “Is this going to get me closer too, or further from the goals I set.” If the answer is “I DON’T CARE” see tip number 1.
4. Recruit a Partner. Hold each other accountable to staying active.
5. Don’t try and stick to some crazy ass no carb, workout 8 days a week routine. The good program you stick too is better than the perfect program you quit.
6. Park further away from the store.
7. Water is your friend; this is not up for discussion. Flavor it if you have to but saying “I don’t like water!” Is like saying “I don’t like air” You won’t last long without it.
8. Have a big breakfast, or breakfast period. Your metabolism is like your car, you have to start it for it to work.
9. Aim to eat a small meal every three hours. I know you have heard this before. So now just do it.
10. Take the stairs. You will be amazed how fast it gets easier to go up and down stairs.
11. Watch your portions, believe it or not you don’t HAVE to eat it all, save some for the next meal.
12. Do 15 bodyweight squats whenever you use the restroom, start a trend.
13. Don’t pay attention to the scale, If you weigh yourself everyday you are going to drive yourself crazy, the body is very complex so its weight can vary 3-5 pounds over the course of a day.
14. The only way I can guarantee you won’t lose weight is if you QUIT. Keep at it and you will reach your goals. You may hit a wall or two on the way but never give up on what you want to do.”
This is a quick list of things you can start doing TODAY and get closer to where you want to be. Remember “For those who say it cant be done, don’t interrupt those who are doing it.”
Your Friend,
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
What is Bruce Lee's Favorit Drink? WAAATAAAA
Remember when you used to drink 8 glasses of water a day? No? Most people have never properly hydrated. Water is absolutely vital to survival and can assist you with exercise and weight loss as well.
The reason I decided to write on this subject today is because where I live in Virginia Beach VA there is a heat advisory in effect and the authorities are recommending that people stay indoors or stay hydrated. Over half of our lean body mass is made up of water and it is required for bodily functions, joint lubrication and even eyesight.
Ok so big deal I don’t drink 8 glasses of water a day and I can still see.
Consider this, do you take your workouts seriously? Want to put up big numbers? It is scientific fact that at 2% dehydration your bodies working capacity decreases by 12-15%. Even more water is required on a high protein diet to ensure proper digestion and absorption.
If weight loss is the goal and you are not drinking enough water then the number on the scale will reflect it. When you do not give the body enough water on a regular basis is has a tendency to hold water as an emergency store (read “water weight”). By getting in the daily water requirements your body will no longer need this emergency store and a few pounds of extra water weight will disappear. Also water will replace sodas and other sugary beverages that help expand the waist line. Diet soda? Don’t even get me started that is a subject for another post.
Bottom line is that not only will drinking water keep you alive but it will improve the quality of that life.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
What on earth is a kettle bell?
Evil little ball. -Diana
Is it a coincidence that I have had more than one client threaten to throw away the kettle bells when I’m not looking?
The kettle bell is one of the most versatile fitness tools anyone can get their hands on. Whether you want to do strength and power moves or agility and core maneuvers there is a kettle bell routine for you. I will never forget my first experience with the kettle bell. When I was a sales manager I liked to work with the different trainers so that I could better match new members with the trainers. Graydon would always walk around the gym with his kettle bell and wait for someone to ask him about it. He was able to pull several clients off the floor with this method and honestly I thought it was a pretty ingenious way of doing so. The day I was scheduled to meet with him I overslept… first mistake, upon my late arrival I could see that he wasn’t happy that he had to wait around for me when he could have been billing client hours. After my warm up we went to an open area with nothing but a 1 pood (35lbs) Kettle bell. I have never in my life regretted hitting the snooze button more. We did everything from lunges to swings back to lunges then core work. Keep in mind I am in pretty good shape at this point and by the time we finished up I felt beat down… and loved it. So I started incorporating the kettle bell into my own clients workout routine so I could share the love J.
A Kettle bell is best described as a cannonball with a handle. This makes it perfect for ballistic, swinging type movements. Not only will this add a new element for your muscles to adapt to but it is also functional in the way that it strengthens the body for everyday movements. Many kettle bell exercises such as the snatch or Turkish get up require full body muscle activation. This allows for the use of muscle fibers that are left un touched during your “normal” workouts. The obvious benefit to that is adaptation and growth due to muscle stimulus.
Kettle bell workouts generally require coordination, balance, and a certain level of muscle awareness so it’s not the first thing I do with brand new clients. However with proper technique and form it is hard to mimic the benefits of kettle bell training. Also Kettle bells are generally pretty expensive so if you can find a gym that offers kettle bell class that is a good way to start, and of course you can always seek the help of a fitness professional to get you headed in the right direction. As always feel free to contact me with further questions or extra advice.
Yours in Health.
Jeremy Oliver
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Lift weight and lose weight.
Im pretty sure we have all seen the planet fitness commercial with the bodybuilder that repeats this over and over again. If not click this link and it will brighten up your day
Now when you think about lifting weights this isn’t the image you should get. In fact from here on out I am going to refer to weight lifting as resistance training and soften it up a bit. Resistance training is a big part of a weight loss program for several reasons. So many clients I talk to want to avoid the weight room at all cost so that they don’t bulk up. Well before you look anything like Gustav in the commercial it would take years of training and possibly even some banned substances. Let me explain how resistance training will not only help you get stronger but lower your body fat percentage as well.
When you go on a restricted calorie food intake (read: Diet) then your body has to find energy somewhere else. Ideally it would immediately attack the area right around the waist and use all the stored fat. Well unfortunately the body will view fat reserves as a more valuable energy source and use sedentary muscle fiber instead. You ever see someone that lost a lot of weight and still didn’t look all that great? If you lose all your fat and muscle then your physique will still appear flabby and now your “skinny fat”. This is not the result we want.
So if a muscle is being used on a regular basis then the body will not only want to keep it around instead of cannibalize it (use it for energy) , but the muscle will grow and use more calories thus speeding up metabolism. Sounds like a win win right? Now when you lose body fat and have some muscle mass underneath it you will have a more toned appearance.
A good way to start some light resistance training is by taking a body pump or boot camp style class at your local gym. You could also hire a trainer for a month or two just to get you headed in the right direction. By adding resistance training to your weight loss plans you will not only speed up your fat loss but you will feel and look better in the long run as well.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Lets go out for dinner tonight.
Going out to eat is not only a nice change of pace but it usually comes hand in hand with social outings and events. Now while some people use this as an excuse to indulge on all three courses it is possible to cut calories at your favorite restaurant and still enjoy the experience. You don’t want to destroy a week’s worth of calorie cutting at in one trip to Outback. Here are a couple of quick tips:
1. Eat this not that- If faced with a decision between chicken fried chicken or grilled chicken fajitas then there is an obvious better choice. Choose grilled, baked, roasted meats instead of fried and maybe the veggies instead of the onion rings. NOTHING fried is great for you. Think about it… if you’re trying to lose fat why eat something cooked in it?
2. Let the Menu help you- All restaurants are aware of the nutrition problem this country is facing and some of them are altering their menus to include low- calorie, low sodium foods as well. If you have the option of a 500- calorie meal deal, then Id take that rather than chancing it with something you have no idea what the nutrition info is.
3. Change is good- Asking for no mayonnaise or sauce/dressing on the side does not make you a worrisome guest. I worked as a server for a long time, and special instructions are very easy to communicate to the kitchen and usually only require pushing an extra button or two. Ask for wheat bread or fat free ranch and save yourself some treadmill time.
4. Doggy Bag- If you ask for a to go box from the start and put half of your 14oz steak away for lunch tomorrow then you have not only saved money by getting two meals for one, but you will be less likely to overeat. Try cutting the leftovers into strips and making a steak fajita omelet for breakfast… nom nom nom.
5. Sharing is caring- Splitting an appetizer and a meal is an excellent way to save calories. They can either divide it up in the kitchen or you can do it at the table. Me and my girlfriend have a system where I eat all the meat and she tackles most of the veggies, whatever works right?
So eating out carries the same rule as the rest of your diet… make good choices. Simple as that.
If you want more advice from me or have questions then please write me at
Saturday, June 18, 2011
The Magic Pill
Ok so this has been the subject of controversy for quite some time now. I am here to tell you the truth about weight loss supplements. ANY diet pill is considered a dietary supplement, the keyword here is SUPPLEMENT: noun, something that completes or makes an addition. What this means is that when taken in addition to your already active diet and exercise routine it can help speed up the process of fat loss. SO if you are on track to lose 10lbs in a certain time period by diet and exercise then the supplement could increase that loss in the same time period.
There are many different products on the market so I will only go over a couple of different types of diet pill.
Appetite Suppressant- The first question you need to ask your self is if you are eating enough already or if your just making bad choices. A suppressant will not take you from eating 3000 calories worth of junk everyday to 5 small portions of clean food. Typically these products are fiber based as to make you feel “Full”. Everyone should be getting 25-35g of fiber daily to keep their digestive system regular and ease hunger pangs. SO before you go drop $80 bucks on the latest cactus extract or whatever else Dr. Oz preaches about take a second look at WHAT you’re eating now and make some adjustments.
CLA- conjugated linoic acid is a naturally occurring Omega-6 fatty acid that was first hailed as an anti-cancer supplement however the rats used in the test also showed a decrease in abdominal fat. No one has really figured out why this lipid helps the body target stored fats that it would otherwise bypass but it does. I have hard stories of people losing 6lbs in 6mos. doing absolutely nothing but supplementing with CLA. In conjunction with diet and exercise the results can be noticeable within a month or two. CLA is a non stimulate based weight loss aid with proven effectiveness and minimal side effects.
Thermogenics- I save these for last for a reason. These supplements can be very dangerous if taken inappropriately and are the leaders of the controversy. A thermogenic raises the body temperature so that while exercising you are able to burn more calories thus attack more stored body fat. Typically these pills have at least 200mg of caffeine and an array of natural stimulates to give crazy energy levels to further increase your energy expenditure while exercising. If this is the route you choose make sure you’re getting more than just caffeine. Several supplements on the market today market themselves as Thermogenics when in reality your spending money on nothing more than “redbull”. Talk to a trainer, doctor, nutritionist before you choose one.
The bottom line is that while these products can assist you with fat loss there is not now nor will there ever be a substitute for good old fashioned exercise and sensible eating. Feel free to contact me with questions.
Yours in Health,
Jeremy Oliver
Friday, June 17, 2011
The following rant was inspired by a conversation I had with a lady today about DESIRE.
There is a difference between ability and DESIRE. Having the ability to change or succeed comes with our gift of free will. Now the DESIRE to push yourself through the wall of excuses and onto the road to your goals is what I want to talk to about today. This can apply to all aspects of life but for our purposes today I will focus on a healthy lifestyle.
I saw a really awful movie once with Anthony Hopkins called The Edge. The story follows two guys that get stranded in the mountains after a plane crash. During their fight for survival they come across a wide array of hazards and one line from a scene when they are planning to kill an enormous bear has always stuck with me. Hopkins says simply “What one man can do, another can do.”( of course this applies to ladies as well J). Never has the secret to success been dumbed down so clearly that it almost smacks you in the face. If you put your mind and to it and dedicate yourself to the task then nothing can stop you from getting what you want.
“Jeremy, I want to lose 30lbs for my sisters wedding next month.”
“Jeremy help me get ripped for the summer.”
“Jeremy what should I eat to get rid of this before my reunion??”
All of these are examples of the search for immediate gratification due to pending circumstances. Never mind the fact that the same diet and exercise you now seek will help you to live longer and improve your well-being for the long term. Why limit yourself to a short term goal of aesthetics for a certain event? Simply the lack of DESIRE to live a healthy lifestyle. Why should I avoid the drive thru when it’s more convenient? Why would anyone want to spend precious time out of there day sweating on purpose? The simple answer here is because you don’t DESIRE to die prematurely. I know that’s harsh but as Jay- Z says “Men lie, women lie, numbers don’t.” More people die early each year because they don’t pay attention to diet or exercise than anything else. If you don’t exercise and eat right due to lack of desire then consider this: You probably don’t DESIRE heart disease, stroke, or diabetes do you? Well that’s exactly what you are setting yourself up for.
So in conclusion DESIRE life. It will be the best decision you ever make.
End Rant.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Get Perfect ProPORTIONS
Bigger portions equal bigger waistlines. The good news is that the opposite is also true. Simply by paying closer attention to the amount of food you eat at each sitting can lower the number on the scale. Whenever I tell someone they should be eating 5 or more meals throughout the day I am often met with the “I can’t eat that much food” response. The reality is most of us only eat two or three huge meals a day and the thought of doubling that is daunting. The solution is smaller portion sizes. Make a fist. Generally speaking that is a portion. I know everyone’s hands are a different size, that’s not the point Im trying to get across here. The fact is that usually we eat WAY more than we should and it screws your metabolism all out of wack. So a portion of carbs and a portion of protein is a simple way to describe a meal. That means if your plate has more than two fists of food then you are most likely overeating. For the next week try my theory of portion control and see if your energy levels change at all… I know from experience that they will. More Questions? 757-351-9587 call or text me anytime…
Monday, February 28, 2011
They did it! AND YOU CAN TOO!!!
The biggest perk of my job as a trainer is changing peoples lives. I have watched people transform there bodies and lives for the better and had the privilege to be a part of it. Here are a few of my old clients and what they had to say about our training. If you have questions or would like to schedule a consultation with me, please give me a call at 757-351-9587.
"Having never been in a gym or ever worked out I really was a bit lost when I first began trying to work out. Jeremy however quickly showed me the proper way to use the gym equipment and showed me several different routines to safely and properly work out. Besides his vast knowledge of physical training, he also helped me with my nutritional education and helped me work out a diet to go along with my workouts. With his guidance and personal dedication my physical strength has dramatically increased, along with my overall health. I would highly recommend Jeremy for any training needs, and just as long as you stick to his recommendations, and put the time in at the gym you will start seeing results and feeling better in no time" – Ron Jordon, 26
This past summer I joined a gym to make a change in my life. Little did I know that there would be one person to help me change my life completely. I started out at 176 pounds, being 5'1 and wanting to enlist in the military wasn't an option for me. I started with weights, then slowly moved onto the machines, but results weren't happening as I would have liked. One day I had arrived at the gym a little defeated then I heard a voice "Hey,....yes you come here" this is how it started. Jeremy as he introduced himself explained that what I was aiming at loosing was long term and would take time for me to actually see results. So he created a workout just for me. Everyday I came into the gym feeling more and more excited. Jeremy never gave up one me, and pushed me when I needed it the most. Slowly but surely a month went by and I started seeing results. I felt lighter, faster and stronger than ever. I worked hard for three long months and my weight goal was met of 150 pounds. Jeremy Oliver is one man that changed me for the better, he gave me the mindset to want to do something great for myself. I didn't just learn about weight loss and how to workout, but how to have a better lifestyle and have a positive attitude on life. I will always remember the last thing he would say after every workout "For those who say it can't be done, don't interrupt the ones that are doing it,".
- Vivian Rodriguez, 18
Jeremy has been such a blessing. He literally has changed my life. With his knowledge on nutrition, he help me change how I view food and help me to to learn how to eat healthier. With his excellant guidance in the gym, I am in the best condition that I have been in for years. With what he has taught me, I know that I will continue to set and meet news goals. And will continue to become a healthier me. Thanks Jeremy for all that you have done! Gary Phillips Suffolk, VA
Just to let you know, I really enjoyed the past six weeks. Some of your phylosophies are similar to mine as a coach. You have a serious side, but also make it fun. Also, even tho you pushed us to do as much as we could, you still understood that some of us had limitations and saw that we were doing the best we could. I know everyone had their own reasons for taking the class, and some of us had goals that we set that were within reason. My goals I felt were attainable. I not only met my first goal of losing 10 lbs but exceeded that by five more. I am now eating healthier, exercising more and feeling much better about myself. My long time goals are to lose 60 lbs, and hopefully get off diabetis medication. I think we had a great group of people, and I feel I found some new friends thru this program. Needless to say, I really enjoyed myself these past few weeks, and I hope I get the opportunity to be in another class with you. My biggest challenges are ahead of me, but I hope that I can have the confidence and will power to meet my goals. Thanks again for a great experience.
Keep in touch.
Denny Hemmis, 63
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Xtreme Performance Training... Whats that???
Xtreme Performance Training Center
What is XPT? We are a Multi Functional Training Facility. We define unconventional training that will improve total body strength, endurance, and overall health. If you want to take your fitness goals seriously then you need to be training at XPT. Once you try ,it will become YOUR NEW ADDICTION!
XPT is not your typical gym, you are not going to find your traditional machines and cardio equipment. We do not have your fancy Flat screen TV’s that only distract your workouts and stand in the way of REAL RESULTS. We are not concerned with our IMAGE like to many gyms are, we care about our clients and them reaching their GOALS! Not all the fancy machines and shiny cardio equipment! That is great for those who want to say they go to the gym. XPT is where you go to achieve results not watch DR.OZ on the Treadmill. XPT is YOUR NEW ADDICTION!
We have a Different Approach to training, one that actually works! We specialize metabolic training, which in our terminology is a hybrid style of training: that activates and stimulates all the muscles of the body while incorporating cardiovascular conditioning into one session.
We individualize each and every workout to meet the needs of that particular client. During each session we learn a little more about your body and how its working, then work to correct any imbalances you may have, to keep you injury free and lead a healthier more functional life.
You will never do the same workout twice or even the same workout as the client that was before or after you, this would do you no good as their goals and body are completely different than yours. We keep the workouts always changing this way your body never has a chance to adapt. We are always coming up with new way to challenge you to keep the body
Who is XPT for? XPT is for anyone who wants to be motivated and challenged to make a change in their bodies and actually see results. XPT is for the beginner looking to get in better shape tone up and lose some unwanted pounds, to the advanced athlete who is looking perform better in whatever sport you train for! We are not for those who want to watch a movie while they go through monotonous cardio routine. We are not for those who walk around the gym making sure everyone is looking at them before they begin an exercise. We are for those who are looking for a great energetic atmosphere, where you can come and expect to have a great work each and every time!
What is XPT? We are a Multi Functional Training Facility. We define unconventional training that will improve total body strength, endurance, and overall health. If you want to take your fitness goals seriously then you need to be training at XPT. Once you try ,it will become YOUR NEW ADDICTION!
XPT is not your typical gym, you are not going to find your traditional machines and cardio equipment. We do not have your fancy Flat screen TV’s that only distract your workouts and stand in the way of REAL RESULTS. We are not concerned with our IMAGE like to many gyms are, we care about our clients and them reaching their GOALS! Not all the fancy machines and shiny cardio equipment! That is great for those who want to say they go to the gym. XPT is where you go to achieve results not watch DR.OZ on the Treadmill. XPT is YOUR NEW ADDICTION!
We have a Different Approach to training, one that actually works! We specialize metabolic training, which in our terminology is a hybrid style of training: that activates and stimulates all the muscles of the body while incorporating cardiovascular conditioning into one session.
We individualize each and every workout to meet the needs of that particular client. During each session we learn a little more about your body and how its working, then work to correct any imbalances you may have, to keep you injury free and lead a healthier more functional life.
You will never do the same workout twice or even the same workout as the client that was before or after you, this would do you no good as their goals and body are completely different than yours. We keep the workouts always changing this way your body never has a chance to adapt. We are always coming up with new way to challenge you to keep the body
Who is XPT for? XPT is for anyone who wants to be motivated and challenged to make a change in their bodies and actually see results. XPT is for the beginner looking to get in better shape tone up and lose some unwanted pounds, to the advanced athlete who is looking perform better in whatever sport you train for! We are not for those who want to watch a movie while they go through monotonous cardio routine. We are not for those who walk around the gym making sure everyone is looking at them before they begin an exercise. We are for those who are looking for a great energetic atmosphere, where you can come and expect to have a great work each and every time!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
The secret to MOTIVATION
I found this online today and it lit a fire up under my ass, lets see what it can do for you.
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