Friday, August 27, 2010

Failure of the fitness industry (inspired by Laura)

                The travel industry is here to help us take vacations from everyday life. Last year’s polls showed that 64% of Americans took a vacation away from home last year. Compare that with the 15% that belong to a health club and the seven out of ten that are at an unhealthy weight and I think it is fair to say the fitness industry needs to step their game up. Now granted an island get away sounds more appealing than working away at the gym I think we need to consider the fact that Fitness Pros are not doing their part to make the population aware of the need for exercise.
                The fact that most gym chains make their ridiculous profit margins off members who join and never use it is no secret. Call it a “Fat Tax” if you want to but at the end of the day any money spent on a membership that isn’t used is money wasted. When the consumer sees a monthly withdrawal from their account they are reminded of the smiling face that convinced them that this was the right thing to do. According to Medical News Today, 80 percent of 40 million Americans who have bought gym memberships are not using it. Now all they are going to do is either pay off the remaining contract or cancel the membership outright. Left right back where they started with nothing but a bad taste in their mouth for the industry as a whole. No wonder less than 15% of America will even consider it.
            How can the fitness industry as a whole turn these numbers around and save the life of our country? If we don’t do it then who will? It is time for a nationwide change of perspective on what it means to be an active gym member.
                The first step is to reach out to the communities that our clubs are in, not with a membership drive, but with information. We have to go to schools, places of work, churches, civic leauges and anywhere else that we can get a podium and educate. If everywhere you go you see a fitness representative ready and willing to answer your questions, it takes the fear out of it. It is time to throw all the inhibitions out the window and take charge. With a big push from all the fitness pros in the country I believe that we will make a difference.
Lets start now!! Contact me at and lets brainstorm on the best way jump start our industry.

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