Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Overweight Epidemic

As of last count nearly 7 out of 10 Americans are at an unhealthy weight. This staggering statistic is a testament to lack of activity, poor nutrition, and a generally uneducated public. The fact that the leading cause of death in this country is a preventable disease should really shake you up a bit. Let’s take a look at how we got to this place and then some ways to get back on track.

The way our body works, its systems, our general makeup has been the same for thousands of years. However in the last 50 years or so we as a culture have started behaving differently. Our bodies are used to an environment that requires physical activity in order to survive. Think about it, less than 100 years ago we had to walk anywhere we went. Also food was harder to come by, if you were going to eat you had to either grow it or catch it, a demanding task by itself. We have the same bodies now as we did then but exercise is very optional, and food is cheap, calorie dense, and on every corner. So it is no wonder why as a society we have started to pack on weight. We have put ourselves in the picture perfect environment to gain extra pounds, and then are completely shocked that we can’t fit into last year’s clothes.

Don’t think it is just adults either, because that couldn’t be further from the truth. Next time you child comes home from school ask them what they were given to eat that day at lunch. Pizza, sloppy joes, fried chicken sandwiches, French fries, FRITO pie… the list goes on. The public school system is responsible for teaching our kids the skills they need to function in society. From what I can see they are teaching not only math and history, but also that fast food is the way to go. How can we expect kids to be fed fast food every day when they go to school but then want them to adapt a healthy diet upon graduation? It does not work that way I am sorry to break the news. We need to pay a little more attention to what we are teaching in the cafeteria as well as the classroom.

So now that we are aware of the problem we are facing, what do we do to fix it? Well the simple answer to that is… education. Just like I am doing here on this blog we need to put the word out to everyone that wellness is slipping away. In schools, at home, in the workplace, we need to have programs aimed at showing people proper nutrition and exercise habits. I know it may seem like a tall order but consider the alternative. We owe it to our kids to stop this downward spiral and show them how to live healthier lives. If you decide that you want to change contact me at jr.oliver@att.net and I will show you how to get you and your loved ones on track to a healthy lifestyle.

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