Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Get Perfect ProPORTIONS

Bigger portions equal bigger waistlines. The good news is that the opposite is also true. Simply by paying closer attention to the amount of food you eat at each sitting can lower the number on the scale. Whenever I tell someone they should be eating 5 or more meals throughout the day I am often met with the “I can’t eat that much food” response. The reality is most of us only eat two or three huge meals a day and the thought of doubling that is daunting. The solution is smaller portion sizes. Make a fist. Generally speaking that is a portion. I know everyone’s hands are a different size, that’s not the point Im trying to get across here. The fact is that usually we eat WAY more than we should and it screws your metabolism all out of wack. So a portion of carbs and a portion of protein is a simple way to describe a meal. That means if your plate has more than two fists of food then you are most likely overeating. For the next week try my theory of portion control and see if your energy levels change at all… I know from experience that they will. More Questions? 757-351-9587 call or text me anytime…

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