Friday, June 17, 2011

The following rant was inspired by a conversation I had with a lady today about DESIRE.

There is a difference between ability and DESIRE. Having the ability to change or succeed comes with our gift of free will. Now the DESIRE to push yourself through the wall of excuses and onto the road to your goals is what I want to talk to about today. This can apply to all aspects of life but for our purposes today I will focus on a healthy lifestyle.
I saw a really awful movie once with Anthony Hopkins called The Edge. The story follows two guys that get stranded in the mountains after a plane crash. During their fight for survival they come across a wide array of hazards and one line from a scene when they are planning to kill an enormous bear has always stuck with me. Hopkins says simply “What one man can do, another can do.”( of course this applies to ladies as well J). Never has the secret to success been dumbed down so clearly that it almost smacks you in the face. If you put your mind and to it and dedicate yourself to the task then nothing can stop you from getting what you want.
“Jeremy, I want to lose 30lbs for my sisters wedding next month.”
“Jeremy help me get ripped for the summer.”
“Jeremy what should I eat to get rid of this before my reunion??”
All of these are examples of the search for immediate gratification due to pending circumstances. Never mind the fact that the same diet and exercise you now seek will help you to live longer and improve your well-being for the long term. Why limit yourself to a short term goal of aesthetics for a certain event? Simply the lack of DESIRE to live a healthy lifestyle. Why should I avoid the drive thru when it’s more convenient? Why would anyone want to spend precious time out of there day sweating on purpose? The simple answer here is because you don’t DESIRE to die prematurely. I know that’s harsh but as Jay- Z says “Men lie, women lie, numbers don’t.” More people die early each year because they don’t pay attention to diet or exercise than anything else. If you don’t exercise and eat right due to lack of desire then consider this: You probably don’t DESIRE heart disease, stroke, or diabetes do you? Well that’s exactly what you are setting yourself up for.
So in conclusion DESIRE life. It will be the best decision you ever make.

End Rant.

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