Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Lift weight and lose weight.

“ I lift things up and put them down.”
Im pretty sure we have all seen the planet fitness commercial with the bodybuilder that repeats this over and over again. If not click this link and it will brighten up your day
Now when you think about lifting weights this isn’t the image you should get. In fact from here on out I am going to refer to weight lifting as resistance training and soften it up a bit. Resistance training is a big part of a weight loss program for several reasons. So many clients I talk to want to avoid the weight room at all cost so that they don’t bulk up. Well before you look anything like Gustav in the commercial it would take years of training and possibly even some banned substances. Let me explain how resistance training will not only help you get stronger but lower your body fat percentage as well.
                When you go on a restricted calorie food intake (read: Diet) then your body has to find energy somewhere else. Ideally it would immediately attack the area right around the waist and use all the stored fat. Well unfortunately the body will view fat reserves as a more valuable energy source and use sedentary muscle fiber instead. You ever see someone that lost a lot of weight and still didn’t look all that great? If you lose all your fat and muscle then your physique will still appear flabby and now your “skinny fat”. This is not the result we want.
                So if a muscle is being used on a regular basis then the body will not only want to keep it around instead of cannibalize it (use it for energy) , but the muscle will grow and use more calories thus speeding up metabolism. Sounds like a win win right? Now when you lose body fat and have some muscle mass underneath it you will have a more toned appearance.
                A good way to start some light resistance training is by taking a body pump or boot camp style class at your local gym. You could also hire a trainer for a month or two just to get you headed in the right direction. By adding resistance training to your weight loss plans you will not only speed up your fat loss but you will feel and look better in the long run as well.

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